“Scientific thought and its creation is the common and shared heritage of mankind.”

― Abdus Salam

About this course:

  • Supervisor: Dr. B. Valeriani-Kaminski, Dr. U. Blum
  • Year: 2018
  • Difficulty:
  • Tutor: M. Arndt, Dr. M. Grüner, A. Betti, E. Urunuela
  • Lab Partner: Fabian Müller
  • Literature:

The master’s lab course consisted of a few very time-consuming experiments, which, however, provided an insight into the methods of rather current research topics and were thus far more interesting than most of the experiments from the bachelor’s lab courses.

Experiment E213: Analysis of Decays of Heavy Vector Boson \(Z^0\)

Keywords: Standard Model, Elementary Particles, Electron-Positron Scattering, Electron-Positron Scattering Annihilation, OPAL Experiment, Event Identification, Event Displays, Monte-Carlo Samples, Forward-Backward Asymmetry, Lepton Universality, Breit-Wigner Fit

(Unfortunately, the corrected report went missing. I am 99.99% sure that this is the version we handed in.)

Experiment K225: Positron Lifetime in Metals and Insulators

Keywords: Positrons, Lifetime Measurements, Positronium, Fast-slow Coincidence Circuit, LYSO Scintillator, Photomultiplier, Single-Channel Analyzer, Constant Fraction Discriminator, Time to Amplitude Converter, Multi-Channel Analyzer

experiment E214: The ATLAS Experiment (Properties of W Boson and the Search for New Physics)

Keywords: Standard Model, Elementary Particles, Relativistic Kinematics, LHC, ATLAS Experiment, Parton Model, Drell-Yan Process, Heavy Gauge Bosons, Jacobi Peak, Particle Identification, Measurement of the W-Boson Mass

Experiment A248: Magneto-Optical Trap

Keywords: Laser, Doppler-free Spectroscopy, Optical Cooling, Rubidium MOT, Gaussian Profile, MOT Population, Fluorescence Power, Quarter Waveplates, Detuning of Laser Frequencies

(Unfortunately, the corrected report went missing. I am 99.99% sure that this is the version we handed in.)

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