On this page, you will find some of the material that originated from my studies in the fields of physics and mathematics. More specifically, this will be both my solutions to physics exercises and my lab reports handed in at the University of Bonn. So far, I have not decided whether to upload my material on the lectures in mathematics — these were not the usual courses to take studying physics but the courses from the Bachelor of Science in mathematics.

Going through some of the material, you will notice that I have not spent much time on experimental physics subjects. In general, I would claim that my solutions got better with time, because I could specialize in the fields that interest me most and put more effort into these. When reading some of my first solutions nowadays, I am shocked by how sloppy I worked. Many of the more recent solutions hold many questions I had as a side note; maybe they turn out useful for you too. Note that there are some courses I followed throughout the semester without taking the final exam.


In most of my master’s courses, I worked the exercise sheets together with Fabian Müller, that is to say that much credit also goes to him; the same holds for the “Advanced Laboratory Course” of the master’s degree. Concerning the lab courses of the bachelor’s degree, my lab partner was Florian Strachwitz, who, on the same lines, deserves a lot of credit for the work handed in there.


Unfortunately, I cannot upload the corresponding exercise sheets, firstly because of copyright infringement and secondly because other students (or professors) before my time put a lot of work into preparing these sheets and it would not be fair to just make them available to anybody on the internet without these peoples’ permission. Maybe I will find a solution to this problem in the future. Until then, I will work with keywords and the names of the exercises for every exercise sheet.

Comment section

In case you have any useful comments or corrections, please use the comment section under the respective course. This will also help your future classmates who might be facing the same problems and questions as you did. To do so, you can log in using your Facebook or Twitter account, create an account on my homepage, or comment as a guest. In the comment section, you may even use LaTeX syntax as follows (reload the page after submitting your comment to have it displayed properly):

  • Inline LaTeX:
    • [latex] Your code [/latex]
    • \( Your code \)
  • Single-line equation:
    • $$ Your Code $$
  • Math Environment:
    • \[ Your Code \]
  • Escaped LaTeX syntax:
    • <pre> Your Code </pre>

If you are looking for solutions to physics exercises that you could not find here, you can also check out Martin Ueding‘s homepage. He uploaded many of his solutions to exercises from different years; his homepage basically gave me the idea of uploading my material.

Solutions to physics exercises

All of the material is to be taken without warranty — reflect on what you read, do not just take its correctness or completeness for granted. I hereby explicitly state that there are mistakes and missing pieces. These are no sample solutions in any way, nor can I or the respective tutor warrant the correctness of my or his/her corrections.

Bachelor of Science:

Master of Science