“If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.”
― Richard P. Feynman
About this course:
- Lecturer: PD Dr. B. Kubis
- Year: 2017
- Difficulty:
- Course page: eCampus
- Tutor: Y. Korte
- Literature:
A great course, introducing the framework needed for current research in theoretical physics. As legends say, one of the few courses on quantum field theory you have a chance to follow.
Exercise 1:
Keywords: Electromagnetic Field, U(1) Gauge Invariance, Lagrange Density, Field Equations, Maxwell Equations, Scalar Field, Gauge Covariant Derivative, Current Conservation, Massive Vector Field, Klein-Gordon Equation
- Euler-Lagrange Equation
Exercise 2:
Keywords: Scalar Field Theory, Charged Particle, Non-interacting Fields, Annihilation Operators, Creation Operators, Commutation Relations, Charge Operator, Constant of Motion, Heisenberg Equation of Motion
- Charged Particles
Exercise 3:
Keywords: Closed Line Integral, Contour Integral, Analytic Functions, Laurent Series, Residue Theorem, Klein-Gordon Propagator, Retarded Green’s Function
- Residue Theorem
Exercise 4:
Keywords: Free Dirac Field, Euler-Lagrange Equation, Dirac Equation, Energy-momentum Tensor, Massless Fermions, Projection Operators, Chirality, Left-handed, Right-handed, Vector Current, Axial-vector Current, Anti-fermion Fields
- Fermion Fields
Exercise 5:
Keywords: Dirac Equation, Fermions, Anti-commutation Relations, Parity Operation, Time Reversal Operation, Charge Conjugation Operation, Positronium, Ground State, Electromagnetic Field
- Discrete Symmetries
- Positronium
Exercise 6:
Keywords: Klein-Gordon Field, External Classical Source, Interaction Picture, Transition Probability, Perturbation Theory, Contractions
- Particle Creation by a Classical Source
Exercise 7:
Keywords: Disconnected Diagrams, Vacuum Diagrams, ϕ⁴ Theory, Symmetry Factor, Contractions, Subdiagrams
- Vacuum Diagrams
Exercise 8:
Keywords: Scalar Fields, Lagrangian Density, Feynman Propagator, Scalar Propagator, Feynman Rules, Amplitude, Wick’s Theorem, Elastic Scattering Process
- Particle Scattering and Feynman Diagrams
Exercise 9:
Keywords: Nonrelativistic Fermion-fermion Scattering, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED, Distinguishable Fermions, Fermion Spin, Leading-order Contribution, Coulomb Potential, Repulsive Potential
- Coulomb Potential
Exercise 10:
Keywords: Unpolarized Cross Section, Photon-electron Scattering, Lab Frame, Invariant Matrix Element, Compton Scattering, Photon Polarizations, Current Conservation, Ward Identity, Spin-averaging, Polarization-averaging, Phase Space Integration, Cross Section
- Compton Scattering
Exercise 11:
Keywords: Electron-electron Scattering, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED, Møller Scattering, Leading-order, Invariant Matrix Element, Spin-averaging, Polarization-averaging, Reduced Matrix Element, Differential Cross Section
- Møller Scattering
Exercise 12:
Keywords: Dimensional Regularization, Vertex Function, Leading Correction, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED, Renormalization Scale μ, Invariant Matrix Element, Vertex Function, Ward Identity, Gordon Identity, Dirac Form Factor, Pauli Form Factor, Feynman Parameters, Magnetic Moment
- Vertex Function & Magnetic Moment
(See Exercise 5 from Advanced Quantum Field Theory)