On this site, you will mainly find material that I created in the course of my job as a tutor, head tutor, or drop-in tutor. Some of the material might have other origins. Most of this material is summaries or overviews of certain topics, some are solved exercises, and a few are auxiliary materials to exercises. The material is almost exclusively in English.

As for my uploaded solutions to exercises (where you will also find an instruction on how to use LaTeX in the comments), the following holds:

All of the material is to be taken without warranty ⁠— reflect on what you read, do not just take its correctness or completeness for granted. There might be mistakes or wrong information.

Summaries and overviews:

Theoretical Physics II

Integrals: We give a summary of multi-dimensional integration. That is line integrals, surface integrals, volume integrals, and everything that is connected to these. We also talk about Gauss’ theorem and Stokes’ theorem.

Green’s functions: We give a brief overview of Green’s functions. That is we explain what these functions are, what they are good for and how one can potentially find them ⁠— finding a Green’s function is not limited to this method and in general depends on each special case.

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Gaussian integrals: In this article, we want to present a semi-rigorous proof of

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{\mathrm{d}x \, \mathrm{e}^{-a x^2 + bx} = \mathrm{e}^{b^2/(4a)} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}}, \quad a, b \in \mathbb{C}, \quad \text{Re}(a) \geq 0,\]

\[\text{Re}(a) = 0 \implies \text{Im}(a) \neq 0 \, \wedge \, \text{Re}(b) = 0,\]

where the integral on the left-hand side is also known as a ‘Gaussian Integral’.

Green’s function of the Helmholtz equation: In these notes, we present some details on the calculation of

\[ G_\pm(\vec{x},\vec{x}’) = \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \big\langle \vec{x} \big| (E – \hat{H}_0 \pm \mathrm{i} \epsilon)^{-1} \big| \vec{x}’ \big\rangle \]

\[= – \frac{1}{4\pi} \frac{\mathrm{e}^{\pm \mathrm{i} k \lvert \vec{x} – \vec{x}’ \rvert}}{\lvert \vec{x} – \vec{x}’ \rvert}\]

performed in the lecture, which represents a so-called propagator in position space and appeared in the context of the Lippmann–Schwinger equation.


Theoretical Physics II

Rotating charged sphere: We solve the notorious problem of a rotating charged sphere using concepts and formulae from electrodynamics.

Quantum Field Theory

Gamma function: An exercise on the Gamma function that I compiled in the course of my job as a head tutor for Quantum Field Theory in 2021, which never saw the light of day.

Dimensional regularization and n-dimensional spherical coordinates: An exercise on dimensional regularization and n-dimensional spherical coordinates that I compiled in the course of my job as a head tutor for Quantum Field Theory in 2021, which never saw the light of day.


Theoretical Physics II

Electrical dipole: Equipotential and electrical field plots for an electrical dipole, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Residues and residue theorem: Calculation of the residues of a specific expression in order to calculate a complex integral with the help of the residue theorem, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Relativistic Coulomb potential: Calculation of the energy levels of the relativistic Coulomb problem by performing a series expansion, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Theoretical Physics I

Spherical coordinates: A brief introduction to Mathematica on the basis of calculating the cartesian basis vectors in terms of the basis vectors in spherical coordinates and a calculation of \(\vec{\nabla}\)in spherical coordinates, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Conics: Plots of conics in polar coordinates, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Trajectories: Plots of trajectories in a modified gravitational potential, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Coupled differential equations: Solving a system of coupled differential equations in the context of the horizontal deflection of a falling object, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Spherical pendulum: Animated 3D illustration of a spherical pendulum with fixed length, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Geodesics: Visualization of geodesics on the surface of a cylinder, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

Brachistochrone curve: Illustration of a brachistochrone curve, which is given by a cycloid, using Mathematica 12.0.0.

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