“The public has a distorted view of science because children are taught in school that science is a collection of firmly established truths. In fact, science is not a collection of truths. It is a continuing exploration of mysteries.”

― Freeman J. Dyson

About this course:

  • Lecturer: PD Dr. B. Kubis
  • Year: 2017/2018
  • Difficulty:
  • Course page: eCampus
  • Tutor: M. Niehus
  • Literature:

The sequel to Quantum Field Theory, covering some advanced concepts that were not discussed in the first course. In part, the topics are pretty tough, but it was still a great course to get a deeper understanding of quantum field theory. The exercises were compulsory.

Exercise 1:

Keywords: Real Scalar Field, Six-dimensional, Metastable Vacuum State, Renormalization Scale μ, One-particle-irreducible Diagrams, One-loop Diagrams, Superficial Degree of Divergence, Minimal Subtraction Scheme, MS Scheme, Dimensional Regularization, Digamma Function, Euler-Mascheroni Constant, Counterterms

  1. Renormalization of ϕ³ Theory in six Dimensions

Exercise 2:

Keywords: Ground State to Ground State Transition, Transition Amplitude, Harmonic Oscillator, External Force, Path Integral Formalism, Propagator, Schrödinger Equation, Time-evolution Operator

  1. Harmonic Oscillator with External Force
  2. Time-evolution Operator and Schrödinger Equation

Exercise 3:

Keywords: Multi-dimensional Integrals, Gauss Integrals, Gaussian Integral, Grassmann Variables, Grassmann Algebra, Integration over Grassmann Variables, Differentiation on Grassmann Variables, ϕ⁴ Theory, Generating Functional, Propagators, Loops, External Currents, Four-point Function

  1. Gauss Integrals and Grassmann Variables
  2. Generating Functional and Two-point Function for ϕ⁴

Exercise 4:

Keywords: Generating Functional, Connected Green’s Functions, Functional Derivatives, Classical Field, Classical Action, Legendre Transform, Effective Action, Two-point Function, Three-point Function

  1. Effective Action and Legendre Transformations

Exercise 5:

Keywords: Fermion Vertex Function, Leading-order Correction, Invariant Matrix Element, Vertex Function, Ward Identity, Gordon Identity, Dirac Form Factor, Pauli Form Factor, Projection Operator, Loop Integrals, Magnetic Moment, Anomalous Magnetic Moment

  1. Fermion Magnetic Moment

Exercise 6:

Keywords: Loop Integrals, Feynman Parameter, Dimensional Regularization Integral, Digamma Function, Euler-Mascheroni Constant, Dispersion Relation, Discontinuity, Imaginary Part, Cauchy’s Integral Formula, Branch Cut, Unsubtracted Dispersion Relation, Subtracted Dispersion Relation

  1. Loop Integrals

Exercise 7:

Keywords: Infrared Divergences, Radiative Corrections, Virtual Corrections, Bremsstrahlung, Feynman Rules, Photon Mass Regulation, Wave Function Renormalization, Differential Decay Rate, Soft-photon Approximation, Energy Cutoff, Infrared Cancellation

  1. Infrared Divergences

Exercise 8:

Keywords: Heavy Scalar Field, Fermion Field, Path Integral Formalism, Generating Functional, Source Terms, Interaction Part, Effective Interaction Lagrangian, Non-local Operator, Heavy Field Feynman Propagator, Momentum Cutoff, Local Effective Lagrangian

  1. Integrating out a Heavy Field

Exercise 9:

Keywords: Equivalent to Renormalization Group Equations, One-dimensional Liquid, Bacterial Population, Bacteria Growth Rate, Partial Differential Equation, N-point Vertex Function, Differential Equation

  1. Classical Analogy to Renormalization Group Equations
  2. Differential Equation for N-point Function

Exercise 10:

Keywords: Running Coupling, Ultraviolet Behavior, β-function, Asymptotic Behavior, Differential Equation, Ultraviolet Stable Fixed Point, QCD Lagrangian, Quark Field, Gluon Field, Strong Coupling Constant, Structure Constants, Gell-Mann Matrices, Quark-Gluon Vertex, Triple-Gluon Vertex, Quadrupole-Gluon Vertex

  1. Behavior of ḡ near a Simple Fixed Point
  2. Running Coupling near a General Fixed Point
  3. Vertices in QCD

Exercise 11:

Keywords: Ghost Fields, Gauge Field Determinant, Unitarity, S-Matrix, One-loop Level, Optical Theorem, Fermion-Anti-fermion Scattering, SU(2) Gauge Theory, Massless Gauge Boson Intermediate States, Feynman Gauge, Polarization Sums

  1. Ghosts and Unitarity

Exercise 12:

Keywords: Quantum Electrodynamics, Renormalized Coupling, Bare Coupling, Vacuum Polarization, Dimensional Regularization, Running Coupling, β-function, Decoupling Behavior, Subtraction Schemes

  1. Running Coupling in QED

Exercise 13:

Keywords: Triangle Anomaly, VVA Triangle Anomaly, Divergent Loop Integrals, Shift of Integration Measure, AAA Triangle Anomaly, Isospin Group, Neutral Pion Decay, π⁰ Decay, π⁰ → γγ, Matrix Element, Pion Decay Constant, Decay Width

  1. The Triangle Anomaly
  2. Neutral Pion Decay
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