On this page, you will find some of my additional notes on specific research papers and reviews published by other authors. These notes were mostly written during my research period as a Ph.D. student, as a means to better understand the topics covered in the respective articles; the corresponding Mathematica notebooks were created using Mathematica 12.0.0. An exhaustive list of the research works I was involved in, on the other hand, can, e.g., be found on INSPIRE and ORCID.

As for my uploaded solutions to exercises (where you will also find an instruction on how to use LaTeX in the comments), the following holds:

All of the material is to be taken without warranty ⁠— reflect on what you read, do not just take its correctness or completeness for granted. There might be mistakes or wrong information.

arXiv articles:


Title: Asymptotic behavior of meson transition form factors
Authors: Martin Hoferichter, Peter Stoffer


Title: Dispersive analysis of \( \omega \to 3 \pi \) and \( \phi \to 3 \pi \) decays
Authors: Franz Niecknig, Bastian Kubis, Sebastian P. Schneider


Title: \( \omega \to \pi^0 \gamma^* \) and \( \phi \to \pi^0 \gamma^* \) transition form factors in dispersion theory
Authors: Sebastian P. Schneider, Bastian Kubis, Franz Niecknig


Title: Extracting the chiral anomaly from \( \gamma \pi \to \pi \pi \)
Authors: Martin Hoferichter, Bastian Kubis, Dimitrios Sakkas


Title: Dispersive analysis of the pion transition form factor
Authors: Martin Hoferichter, Bastian Kubis, Stefan Leupold, Franz Niecknig, Sebastian P. Schneider


Title: Radiative resonance couplings in \( \gamma \pi \to \pi \pi \)
Authors: Martin Hoferichter, Bastian Kubis, MZ


Title: Counting contact terms in \( B \to V \gamma \) decays
Authors: Alexander Khodjamirian, Daniel Wyler

arXiv:1110.3228 & arXiv:2102.10060

Title: B meson distribution amplitude from \( B \to \gamma \ell \nu \) & QCD factorization of the four-lepton decay \( B^- \to \ell \bar{\nu}_\ell \ell^{(\prime)} \bar{\ell}^{(\prime)} \)
Authors: Martin Beneke, Jürgen Rohrwild & Martin Beneke, Philipp Böer, Panagiotis Rigatos, Kimberley Keri Vos

arXiv:1307.5654 & arXiv:1108.2419

Title: Dispersive analysis for \( \eta \to \gamma \gamma^* \) & Model-independent approach to \( \eta \to \pi^+ \pi^- \gamma \) and \( \eta’ \to \pi^+ \pi^- \gamma \)
Authors: C. Hanhart, A. Kupsc, U.-G. Meißner, F. Stollenwerk, A. Wirzba & F. Stollenwerk, C. Hanhart, A. Kupsc, U.-G. Meißner, A. Wirzba


Title: Theoretical and phenomenological constraints on form factors for radiative and semi-leptonic \( B \)-meson decays
Authors: Aoife Bharucha, Thorsten Feldmann, Michael Wick


PDG: Kinematics

Title: PDG review on kinematics (2019)
Authors: M. Tanabashi et al.

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