“Nobody else took what I was doing seriously, so nobody would want to work with me. I was thought to be a bit eccentric and maybe cranky.”

― Peter Higgs

About this course:

  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr. M. Drees
  • Year: 2017/2018
  • Difficulty:
  • Course page: PI
  • Tutor: R. Mehra
  • Literature:

This has not been my favorite course. Although Quantum Field Theory is not a prerequisite course, I would claim that it is extremely tough to follow the lecture without having taken a beginner’s course on quantum field theory.

Exercise 1:

Keywords: Lorentz Transformation, Covariant Four-vector, Lorentz Invariant, Chain Rule, Dirac Matrices, Dirac Representation, Pauli Matrices, Dirac Equation, Plane Wave Solutions, Dirac Spinor, Conjugate Spinor, Hermitian Conjugate, Adjoint Dirac Equation, Dirac Probability Current, Conserved Current, Charge Conjugation Operator

  1. Lorentz Transformation
  2. Gamma Matrices
  3. Dirac Equation

Exercise 2:

Keywords: Lorentz Transformation, Lorentz Invariants, Three-volume Element, Four-volume Element, Delta Distribution, Phase Space Element, Lagrangian Density, Noether’s Theorem, Complex Scalar Fields, Euler-Lagrange Equation, Equation of Motion, Symmetry of the Lagrangian, Noether Current, Classical Electromagnetic Field Equations, Action, Maxwell’s Equations, Dynamical Variables, Energy-momentum Tensor, Divergenceless

  1. Lorentz Invariants
  2. Noether’s Theorem
  3. Classical Electromagnetic Field Equations

Exercise 3:

Keywords: Two-body Scattering, Mandelstam Variables, Lorentz Invariants, Center of Mass Energy, Fixed-target Scattering, Center of Mass Frame, Differential Cross Section, Reduced Amplitude, Laboratory Frame, Incident Flux Factor, Phase Space Integrals, Unit Solid Angle, Cylindrical Symmetry, Gamma Matrices, Properties

  1. Mandelstam Variables
  2. Cross Section for two-particle Scattering
  3. Product Rules and Trace Theorems of γ-matrices

Exercise 4:

Keywords: Chiral Basis, Charge Conjugation, Parity, Time Reversal, Dirac Field, Transformation Properties, Free Dirac Equation, Free Dirac Lagrangian, Probability Current, Charge Density, Charge three-current, Spin Sums, Dirac Scalar, Dirac Matrix, Yukawa Theory, Scattering of Fermions, Feynman Diagrams, Matrix Element, Feynman Rules, Spin-averaged Matrix Element, Differential Cross Section, Center of Mass Frame

  1. C, P and T Transformation
  2. Spin Sums
  3. Scattering in Yukawa Theory

Exercise 5:

Keywords: Transition Amplitudes, Second Order Perturbation Theory, Iterated First Order, External Fields, Internal Field, ϕ³ Theory, Schrödinger Picture, Wave Functions, Lorentz Symmetry, On-shell Particles, Scattering Process, t-channel, Non-covariant Formulation, Old-fashioned Perturbation Theory, OFPT, Phase Space Integral, Mandelstam Variable, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED Lagrangian, U(1) Gauge Transformation, Noether Current, Equation of Motion, Fermion Fields, Conserved Current

  1. Second Order Perturbation Theory
  2. Current Conservation in QED

Exercise 6:

Keywords: Quantum Electrodynamics, QED Lagrangian, Gauge-fixing Term, Lorentz Gauge, Equation of Motion, Photon Propagator, Feynman Gauge, Lorentz Gauge Condition, Scattering Processes, t-channel, s-channel, Current Conservation, Free complex Scalar Field, Scalar QED, Global Transformation, Noether Current, Probability Current, Klein-Gordon Theory, Local Transformations, Gauge covariant Derivative, Feynman Rules, Interactions, Vertex Factors, Polarization Vectors

  1. Gauge-fixing
  2. Scalar QED

Exercise 7:

Keywords: Proton Charge Radius, Electric Form Factor, Non-relativistic Limit, Charge Distribution, Spherical Coordinates, Spherically Symmetric, Point Interaction Term, Feynman Parameters, Loop Diagrams, Integrals

  1. Proton Radius
  2. Feynman Parameter Integrals

Exercise 8:

Keywords: Radiative Corrections, Loop Integrals, Minkowski Space, Euclidean Space, Wick Rotation, Vertex Correction, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED, Magnetic Moment of the Electron, Magnetic Moment of the Muon, Gordon Decomposition, Dipole Moment, Static Photons, g-2

  1. Wick Rotation
  2. g-2 of the Electron

Exercise 9:

Keywords: Vacuum Polarization, Correction to the Photon Propagator, Loop Integral, Wick Rotation, Regularization, Dimensional Regularization, Gamma Function, Effective Electric Charge, Jacobi Identity, Lie Algebra, Generators, Structure Constants, Adjoint Representation

  1. Vacuum Polarization in QED
  2. Non-abelian Gauge Symmetry and the Adjoint Representation

Exercise 10:

Keywords: Free Dirac Field Lagrangian, Dirac Field, SU(N) Transformations, Gauge Symmetry, Gauge covariant Derivative, Minimal Coupling, Gauge Field, Gauge Invariance, Field Strength Tensor, Self couplings of the Gauge Bosons, Lie Algebra, Generators, SU(2), Pauli Matrices, Baryon Wave Function, SU(3) Gauge Transformation, Meson Wave Function, Infinitesimal SU(3) Transformation

  1. Non-abelian Gauge Symmetry: Lagrangian
  2. Gauge (Non-)invariance of Hadronic Wave Functions

Exercise 11:

Keywords: Standard Basis, Generators, SU(3), Fundamental Representation, SU(2) Algebra, Orthogonality Condition, Quadratic Casimir Operator, Quantum Chromodynamics, QCD, Up Quark, Down Quark, Color Indices, Color Structure, Matrix Element, Color Factor, Virtual Gluon, Squared Amplitude, External Quarks

  1. Brute-force Computation in SU(3)
  2. Quark-Anti-quark Annihilation

Exercise 12:

Keywords: Muon Decay, V-A Interaction, W Boson Exchange, Muon-neutrino, Electron-Anti-neutrino, Electron, Feynman Diagram, Amplitude, Spin-averaged Amplitude, Dirac Conjugate, Three-body Phase Space, Rest Frame, Decay Rate, Lifetime

  1. Muon Decay

Exercise 13:

Keywords: Tree-level Process, Intermediate Vector Boson, Massive Spin-1 Boson, W Boson, Feynman Diagram, Transition Amplitude, Spinors, Polarization Vectors, Unitarity Violation, Longitudinal Helicity, Gauge Boson, Unitarity Bound, Complex Scalar Higgs Field, U(1) Charge, Potential, Vacuum Expectation Value, Mass Matrix, Real Fields, Complex Field, Eigenvalues, Eigenstates, Physical Masses, Physical States, U(1) Invariance, Mixing Angle, Goldstone’s Theorem

  1. Unitarity Violation in the IVB Theory
  2. U(1) Higgs Mechanism

Exercise 14:

Keywords: Global U(1) Symmetry, Gauge Symmetry, Local U(1) Symmetry, Gauge Boson, Higgs Field, U(1) Charge, Vacuum Expectation Value, Higgs Mechanism, Higgs Boson, Unitary Gauge, Eigenstates, Mass Matrix, Higgs Doublet, SU(2) Gauge Transformation, Pauli Matrices, SU(2), Physical Particles, Left-handed Lepton Doublet, Right-handed Leptons, Weak Interactions, Non-abelian Field Strength Tensor, Lagrangian

  1. Gauge Invariance in the Abelian Higgs Model
  2. Gauge Invariance in the Standard Model
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